aaron chalmers and talia tattle. There is a reason Oakley is under hospital care, and I don’t believe it’s solely down to his health issues. aaron chalmers and talia tattle

 There is a reason Oakley is under hospital care, and I don’t believe it’s solely down to his health issuesaaron chalmers and talia tattle  We start a new thread when they have over 1000 posts, click the blue button to see all threads for this topic and find the latest open thread

During this time they were both posting quotes directed at each other. Talia Oatway & Aaron Chalmers #38 baby left alone in the hozzy while mum goes out dressed like a prozzy Start date Jul 20, 2023; Tags Talia Oatway & Aaron Chalmers Threads Wiki; New to Tattle Life? Click "Order Thread by Most Liked Posts" button below to get an idea of what the site is about:Talia Oatway & Aaron Chalmers #25 Aaron looking clean and dapper, Talia’s still a sad old slapper Start date Apr 28, 2023; Tags Talia Oatway & Aaron Chalmers Threads Wiki;. For one, Siennah is going to be extremely confused if she’s suddenly back playing happy families with a man who isn’t her dad & in general, the obvious being how much more toxic it is. Talia Oatway & Aaron Chalmers Threads Wiki; Status Thread locked. The drama straight to tattle…. Former Geordie Shore star Aaron Chalmers' girlfriend Talia Oatway has shared the first photos of their third child. The fact remains, Talia swept Siennah hundreds of miles away from her father and paternal family, and appears to be planning to do the same to Romeo, Maddox. As if ' sat at home twiddling his thumbs' Honestly is an option. We start a new thread when they have over 1000 posts, click the blue button to see all threads for this topic and find the latest open thread. In all honesty Aaron should have been with Oakley whilst she had the boys but he took his photo of the card and went off for the weekend knowing Talia had the boys. Talia Oatway & Aaron Chalmers #12 Free Siennah, Maddox and Oakley Start date Jan 22, 2023; Tags Talia Oatway & Aaron Chalmers Threads; Status Thread locked. selling there kids info for £2. Here's my theory- Aaron's countdown was him having enough of dorito chins tit and wanted to throw his 2 pence in but think his management/family talked him. Talia Oatway & Aaron Chalmers Threads Wiki; Status Thread locked. Talia Oatway & Aaron Chalmers Threads Wiki; Status Thread locked. Talia Oatway & Aaron Chalmers Threads Wiki; Status Thread locked. Just get a bleeping support system in place Talia and you’ll not need to moan on IG to people who couldn’t give a duck! Like I get it, her family are miles away and she has no friends because she’s a narcissist but like Jesus Christ, get therapy girl. She's so cleaver reading here and taking notes on what you guys have said about getting 2nd opinions - tell us you read tattle. We start a new thread when they have over 1000 posts, click the blue button to see all threads for this topic and find the latest open thread. Talia posts every second of the day of course it’s a heavily Talia thread. No we can see she's a narraccist, neglectful mother and they've all for fell for it. Talia & Aaron just like to front that they have all this wealth and class and style. Funny how Aaron and Talia slated the woman’s house when Beki let us know that the latter wanted a better house than Aaron could provide. But had to shorten so it’d fit previous thread Talia Oatway & Aaron Chalmers #14 18 years, 18 years, she got 3 of your kids got you for 18 years Well done to @Loppylou89 for the cracking thread title To cllllllarify, Talia is now known as Jodie. So her mother stayed in the hospital when she had a disabled child and Jodie went to stay with an auntie, so why the fuuu is Jolie such a witch who hardly visits her beautiful baby, why hasn't her mother told her stop giving excuses to not be with Oakley all the time!!! Aaron has been seen leaving him when he has his own room too Click to expand. We start a new thread when they have over 1000 posts, click the blue button to see all threads for this topic and find the latest open thread. Talia Oatway & Aaron Chalmers Threads Wiki; Status Thread locked. Not one member of that family deserve that beautiful little boy. operated by Lime Goss Don't believe the false smear campaigns of those in a position of power and influence say about tattle. 2023; Tags Talia Oatway & Aaron Chalmers Threads Wiki; Status Thread locked. Siennah’s dad need to get onto Tattle so he knows exactly what his ex is doing and try and fight to see his daughter rather than leaving her with Jodie. Aaron is busy promoting his upcoming fight with Mayweather and seems to think he's in with a shot of winning. (Since she got on Oakleys ward) Talia is probably fuming that she is on the same ward, they are there all day and sleeping overnight with there son and would easily find out she’s a part time tit mum. operated by Lime Goss Don't believe the false smear campaigns of those in a position of power and influence say about tattle. Talia Oatway & Aaron Chalmers #16 Oakley has an operation, Talia treats it as a vacation. operated by Lime Goss Don't believe the false smear campaigns of those in a position of power and influence say about tattle -. Aaron claimed talia was controlling and she retaliated with claiming he was verbally abusive. Talia Oatway & Aaron Chalmers #12 Free Siennah, Maddox and Oakley Start date Jan 22, 2023;. Talia Oatway & Aaron Chalmers Threads Wiki; Status Thread locked. My niece was in for the best part of 2 years, I completely understand how bleeping hard it all is, she was in the bay for months on that wsrd and my sister and brother in law couldn’t stay but literally my sister would drop the older child at brekafast club and head. operated by Lime Goss Don't believe the false smear campaigns of those in a position of power and influence say about tattle -. * A rag picked up the story of Talia exploiting revealing Oakley, and when they werent referring to her as Aaron Chalmers ex, they called her Jodie So from here on out, she will be known as Jodie. operated by Lime Goss Don't believe the false smear campaigns of those in a position of power and influence say about tattle -. Talia is non stop moaning about never having time away from the kids which is a Lie. But the comments don’t reflect badly on Aaron. selling there kids info for £2. Basically talia had done this girls eyelashes (very badly) and I think she wanted them refunding or fixing and talia refused and started talking about her boyfriend was famous and had a big insta following and she would ruin her. For some odd reason I was almost feeling sorry for talia. operated by Lime Goss Don't believe the false smear campaigns of those in a position of power and influence say about tattle -. 50 Start date Jun 19, 2023;. if you follow you know she's had a baby with footballer Kyle walker and tattle says she gets thousands in maintenance i'm not sure how true that it Of course he should pay for Kairos upkeep and i think he deserves the same as the other 3. Talia Oatway & Aaron Chalmers #36 Aaron & Talia acting all shifty. Tattle has gone to his head & he's got too cocky. Talia Oatway & Aaron Chalmers Threads Wiki; Status Thread locked. We start a new thread when they have over 1000 posts, click the blue button to see all threads for this topic and find the latest open thread. S. Talia and Aaron are just as. Talia Oatway & Aaron Chalmers #36 Aaron & Talia acting all shifty. Talia is mum of the year by taking the kids to soft play, still calling Maddox “mad dog”, still showing pictures of the kids in the bath, still posting indirect posts to Aaron, Aaron still posting indirect posts to Talia. These people are so thick. Talia Oatway & Aaron Chalmers Threads Wiki; Status Thread locked. Aaron looks like a proud Dad. Rumour has it they broke up after Oakley as Talia knew but didn’t tell Aaron about Oakley’s possible condition and that caused the split. operated by Lime Goss Don't believe the false smear campaigns of those in a position of power and influence say about tattle -. Aaron was struggling too. Talia Oatway & Aaron Chalmers Threads Wiki; Status Thread locked. Oakley sitting in his chair not knowing what he's about to go through. We start a new thread when they have over 1000 posts, click the blue button to see all threads for this topic and find the latest open thread. operated by Lime Goss Don't believe the false smear campaigns of those in a position of power and influence say about tattle -. After Talia he is close to his family again, and has seemingly been getting public support from his cast mates etc. Congratulations to @Loppylou89 for the brilliant thread suggestion. Again, not sticking up for him or saying he’s a great dad but realistically there’s a lot of hate towards him based on Talia feeding this whole script of ‘Aaron never helps I do everything alone’ and he probably wants it to be known. Her priorities are just all wrong!Talia Oatway & Aaron Chalmers #8 Mummy’s covering Oakley, Daddy’s on the cokely Start date Nov 24, 2022; Tags Talia Oatway & Aaron Chalmers Threads; Status. Nov 24, 2022. Talia Oatway & Aaron Chalmers #29 Aaron Chalmers and Aaron Chalmer’s ex girlfriend Jodie. Same as when Aaron has Romeo and Maddox she should realistically be beside Oakley but instead she swans off to the gym and pumping her lips up. Learly evidence that he does. She just laid in bed and couldn't speak. She didn’t KNOW he would leave her or force her to terminate. She didn't speak to her dad or sister for a few days. Isn’t that what most of tattle is - people giving an opinion on people they don’t know! None of us know Aaron or talia personally but we all still give our opinion lol . geegeex Apr 30, 2023. Removed Oakleys name from the title as per peoples request &. 50 Start date Jun 19, 2023; Tags Talia Oatway & Aaron Chalmers Threads Wiki; Status. operated by Lime Goss Don't believe the false smear campaigns of those in a position of power and influence say about tattle -. Absolutely! Not debating that at all, I know Aarons mam (I've mentioned it before, no secret ) but clearly we've had extremely different experiences with meeting family members, never said anyone couldn't have an opinion just wanted to know if they knew them personally because calling them vile and pigs based off 1 meeting with his brother years ago is quite a stretch on an entire family. Redgirl81 said: Wow blaming her mum. How many Oak-esque names are there, seems very strange. operated by Lime Goss Don't believe the false smear campaigns of those in a position of power and influence say about tattle -. Aaron chap, get yourself a 'Prohibited Steps Order' for the kids passports, place of living and social media presence. We start a new thread when they have over 1000 posts, click the blue button to see all threads for this topic and find the latest open thread. Wherever you are in the UK, if you listen closely and hear pterodactyl screeching, fear not. operated by Lime Goss Don't believe the false smear campaigns of those in a position of power and influence say about tattle -. We start a new thread when they have over 1000 posts, click the blue button to see all threads for this topic and find the latest open thread. Talia Oatway & Aaron Chalmers #38 baby left alone in the hozzy while mum goes out dressed like a prozzy. Aaron should be taking care of the kids while Talia in Liverpool or even better go to Liverpool too and Talia mum can watch. Aaron gets angry, it will be killing him keeping his mouth shut but he knows he has to for now. 17:52, 7 MAY 2023. We start a new thread when they have over 1000 posts, click the blue button to see all threads for this topic and find the latest open thread. That way Talia won't be able to leave the country with them, she'll have to stay put in the area until court is finalised, and those babies won't be allowed to be plastered all over social media. Talia Oatway & Aaron Chalmers #38 baby left alone in the hozzy while mum goes out dressed like a prozzy. We start a new thread when they have over 1000 posts, click the blue button to see all threads for this topic and find the latest open thread. Hope is a wonderful thing. And been reading tattle because we always mention you constantly say um because of the lies um you try to make up on the spot and if I was Oakley I'd cry. I wonder if Aaron has the boys so she can do the hospital stuff like this as it looks better for her on the gram. Well the first giveaway is live from Aaron. operated by Lime Goss Don't believe the false smear campaigns of those in a position of power and influence say about tattle. Jesus Talia is unbearable but Aaron is equally as vile. Talia Oatway & Aaron Chalmers #9 Face botCHIN, fame clutCHIN, pointless preaCHIN. We start a new thread when they have over 1000 posts, click the blue button to see all threads for this topic and find the latest open thread. He was already with Talia at this point but she stuck around. Last edited: Dec 2, 2022. We start a new thread when they have over 1000 posts, click the blue button to see all threads for this topic and find the latest open thread. We start a new thread when they have over 1000 posts, click the blue button to see all threads for this topic and find the latest open thread. selling there kids info for £2. operated by Lime Goss Don't believe the false smear campaigns of those in a position of power and. Reactions: 43. operated by Lime Goss Don't believe the false smear campaigns of those in a position of power and influence say about tattle -. We start a new thread when they have over 1000 posts, click the blue button to see all threads for this topic and find the latest open thread. Talia Oatway & Aaron Chalmers #29 Aaron Chalmers and Aaron Chalmer’s ex girlfriend Jodie Start date May 9, 2023; Tags Talia Oatway & Aaron Chalmers Threads Wiki;. Helloitsmeagain21 said: Oh yeah, i can't get it around my head why she'd make a tiktok as soon as Aaron was receiving hate on his one too. Just wow. operated by Lime Goss Don't believe the false smear campaigns of those in a position of power and influence say about tattle -. My stepson's mum used to do the weird as duck post photos to Facebook making out she had him with her for various things when he was with us, like on Christmas Eve, Easter etc. operated by Lime Goss Don't believe the false smear campaigns of those in a position of power and influence say about tattle -. We start a new thread when they have over 1000 posts, click the blue button to see all threads for this topic and find the latest open thread. Talia Oatway & Aaron Chalmers Threads Wiki; Status Thread locked. . selling there kids info for £2. hes The type of deadbeat father that probably wouldn’t even apply to courts to see his kids . Aaron was struggling too. My stepson's mum used to do the weird as duck post photos to Facebook making out she had him with her for various things when he was with us, like on Christmas Eve, Easter etc. Aaron has an extremely likely chance of winning. Talia Oatway & Aaron Chalmers Threads Wiki; Status Thread locked. What a Aaron is. They are both toxic, and bring out the worst in. If he’s got mental health struggles that he addresses them in a healthy way for the sake of those lovely boys. Don't believe the false smear. operated by Lime Goss Don't believe the false smear campaigns of those in a position of power and influence say about tattle -. Talia Oatway & Aaron Chalmers Threads Wiki; Status Thread locked. She says she hated leaving Talia. Seems like it’s Talia that can’t cope with all the kids as Aaron had no one with him. Only they’re not allowed alone with their own kid. Until aaron uploaded a video with the boys and she just has to slide it in that it’s only for one night. Precious Thread: Talia Oatway & Aaron Chalmers #4 Aaron & Talia are a pair of begs, he is a "boxer" with chicken legs. operated by Lime Goss Don't believe the false smear campaigns of those in a position of power and influence say about tattle -. It's like she's never. Bizarre. I heard that she went bankrupt a few years back. We start a new thread when they have over 1000 posts, click the blue button to see all threads for this topic and find the latest open thread. They’re both very toxic and need to stay away from each other alongside trying to remain as civil as they can for the kids. Eyeofthetiger said: New thread, title goes to @Shamelesshorse. operated by Lime Goss Don't believe the false smear campaigns of those in a position of power and influence say about tattle -. jpg She's expecting 50% of all her outgoings forgetting that he's only actually paying for 3 out the 5 members of the household. I’m sure Aaron has his flaws, as we all do, and we all know Talia has many. Talia Oatway & Aaron Chalmers #29 Aaron Chalmers and Aaron Chalmer’s ex girlfriend Jodie. Aaron yes, he works away, he trains etc. operated by Lime Goss Don't believe the false smear campaigns of those in a position of power and influence say about tattle -. It’s not for her to go out it’s for Oakley so he can come home! I actually feel for her, she has every right to be upset. selling there kids info for £2. New thread, title goes to @Shamelesshorse Talia’s trapping Aaron with babies galore, bet he wishes he could run back to Geordie Shore. 1. BirkenheadTranny said: Well done to myself @BirkenheadTrannyfor the thread title with the most likes. We start a new thread when they have over 1000 posts, click the blue button to see all threads for this topic and find the latest open thread. Talia has little to none, even if she says it’s her ‘job’ she can still do that. Talia continues to show she really doesn’t give a tit about Oakley and has been heard saying ‘put him down’ to then correct herself with ‘ put him to sleep’. We start a new thread when they have over 1000 posts, click the blue button to see all threads for this topic and find the latest open thread. I say today's because we're going through a thread a day lately with all the drama that's been going on Few pointers * A rag picked up the story of Talia exploiting revealing Oakley, and when they werent referring to her as Aaron Chalmers ex, they called her Jodie So from here on. The things Aaron has said about talia daughter are shocking . We start a new thread when they have over 1000 posts, click the blue button to see all threads for this topic and find the latest open thread. Nov 22, 2022. Talia Oatway & Aaron Chalmers #39 Aaron spitting facts with his tash, Jodie clarifying in a flash. I personally think he’s started posting more to prove he is around & not absent as much as Talia says. I wonder if he had him overnight last night or is having him tonight… taking him for a walk across the moors to get him to sleep doesn’t seem like just a few hour trip out the hospital He might come back on to. Talia Oatway & Aaron Chalmers Threads Wiki; Status Thread locked. We start a new thread when they have over 1000 posts, click the blue button to see all threads for this topic and find the latest open thread. operated by Lime Goss Don't believe the false smear campaigns of those in a position of power and influence say about tattle -. Also, if you are laid on your back the only direction you can look is up you daft twit! It will be interesting to see how much Aaron sees him when he's home, as she will be documenting how much he is exhausting her and how she CBA with his SAT's machine. All it does is show what absolute cretins the people that left them are. 50 Start date Jun 19, 2023; Tags Talia Oatway & Aaron Chalmers Threads Wiki; Status. We start a new thread when they have over 1000 posts, click the blue button to see all threads for this topic and find the latest open thread. Aaron is still chasing the dream of being a Boxer, he had his first fight at the old age of 35 and miraculously managed to win in round 4 (set up) there were about 5 people cheering him on at his first victory! Let's hope Aaron actually makes an effort for him which I think he will as he doesn't treat him different like talia---Imagine this kissing you Attachments 2400599 Screenshot_20230824_174707_Instagram. As for Aaron not seeing Oakley there is. All those kids deserve better than either of them but he seems to play the game better then her so will always get more support. Looks like poor Oakley has probably just been shoved in the pram for the whole visit to the farm I think if Aaron. We start a new thread when they have over 1000 posts, click the blue button to see all threads for this topic and find the latest open thread. operated by Lime Goss Don't believe the false smear campaigns of those in a position of power and influence say about tattle -. Let’s be honest Jodie you wouldn’t have allowed anyone else to make an effort. We start a new thread when they have over 1000 posts, click the blue button to see all threads for this topic and find the latest open thread. operated by Lime Goss Don't believe the false smear campaigns of those in a position of power and influence say about tattle. Jan 24, 2023. Especially as Talia clearly hates Marnie, and is so jealous that Aaron holds a torch for her. There's a reason he hasn't posted he was in Edinburgh. Talia Oatway & Aaron Chalmers Threads Wiki; Status Thread locked. operated by Lime Goss Don't believe the false smear campaigns of those in a position of power and influence say about tattle -. Her lack of empathy and masses of manipulation are the biggest indicator she has narcissistic traits – whether she has a mental illness to support that, or is just a piece of shit, I don’t know. operated by Lime Goss Don't believe the false smear campaigns of those in a position of power and influence say about tattle -. But you're a grown woman with children grow. But we don't know what goes on behind close doors. We start a new thread when they have over 1000 posts, click the blue button to see all threads for this topic and find the latest open thread. I do think they’re both as bad as each other and maybe people know more about Talia than I do to say she’s worse, however my sister works in Alder Hey, she is a nurse on the ward Oakley was on and. I’d bleeping boot her down the garden path. operated by Lime Goss Don't believe the false smear campaigns of those in a position of power and influence say about tattle. operated by Lime Goss Don't believe the false smear campaigns of those in a position of power and influence say about tattle -. May 16, 2021. operated by Lime Goss Don't believe the false smear campaigns of those in a position of power and. She had her baby early by emergency section and Aaron has been ‘Amazing’ just being a normal dad instead of spending all his time away at fight camp. Oh talia, how many times must Aaron show you his true colours before you duck him off once & for all! You can give him 60 kids love, and he won’t ever change or be a decent dad/partner. She wouldn't be spinning this narrative of hard done by Talia, and getting her little minions to go to his page and bully him, it's disgusting, using a social media platforms like that,grim she's an awful mam if you.